3048861R91 Conversion Gasket Set, BD-154 BD-144

3048861R91 Conversion Gasket Set, BD-154 BD-144

310386R94 Full Gasket Set, D236/D282

310386R94 Full Gasket Set, D236/D282

305804R1 Gasket, Intake Manifold

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Fits & Compatibility
Category Tractor Model Engine
2400A Thru 3788 International 3600A D282
2400A Thru 3788 International 3616 D236
400 Thru 560 Farmall 460 D236
400 Thru 560 Farmall 560 D282
574 Thru 695 Farmall 656 D282
706 Thru 995 Farmall 706 D282
***NEW*** aftermarket, intake manifold Gasket for 460, 560, 656, 706, 3600A, 3616; SUB: 378310R1, 7305804