3042425R1 Washer, Center Bolt Sealing

3042425R1 Washer, Center Bolt Sealing

13842DU Case, Oil/Fuel Filter

13842DU Case, Oil/Fuel Filter

BC3926 Spin On Oil Filter Adapter Kit

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Fits & Compatibility
Category Tractor Model Engine
Mccormick Series Mccormick Os6 C248
Mccormick Series Mccormick Super W6 C264
Mccormick Series Mccormick Super W6Ta C264
Mccormick Series Mccormick W4 C152
Mccormick Series Mccormick W6 C248
100 Thru 395 Farmall 300 C169
100 Thru 395 Farmall 350 C175
400 Thru 560 Farmall 400 C264
400 Thru 560 Farmall 450 C281
Farmall Letter Series Farmall A C113
Farmall Letter Series Farmall B C113
Farmall Letter Series Farmall H C152
Farmall Letter Series Farmall M C248
Farmall Letter Series Farmall Super H C164
Farmall Letter Series Farmall Super Mta C264
Mccormick Series Mccormick O4 C152
Mccormick Series Mccormick O6 C248
Mccormick Series Mccormick Os4 C152
***NEW*** aftermarket Spin On Oil Filter Adapter Kit with 3.880" O.D. base for all gas/LP: 300, 350, 400, 450, A (w/o hydraulics), B, BN, H, HV, [ M, MV (all SN: 595394 and up) ], MTA, O4, [ O6, W6 (all SN: 4253 and up) ], OS4, OS6, Super H, Super HV, Super MTA, Super W4, Super W6, Super W6TA, [ T6, U6 (all SN: 5455 & up) ], T6-61, U164, U4, UC248 (all SN: 2327 & up), W4, W400, W450; SUB: 538829R91; NOTES: Includes spin on oil filter, new stud, sealing washer, quad ring and filter adapter base. (Will NOT fit Super A, C, 100 thru 504 with Hydraulics unless you purchase a 1" shorter filter to clear the return hydraulic line)