367687R2 Gasket, Water Pump Body

367687R2 Gasket, Water Pump Body

A77471 Water Pump

A77471 Water Pump

366146R91 Kit, Water Pump

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Fits & Compatibility
Category Tractor Model Engine
Farmall Letter Series Farmall Super A C123
Farmall Letter Series Farmall Super C C123
100 Thru 395 Farmall 200 C123
100 Thru 395 Farmall 230 C123
100 Thru 395 Farmall 240 C123
100 Thru 395 International 240 C123
Farmall Letter Series Farmall C C113
***NEW*** Water pump Kit services 355760R93, contains impeller, shaft with bearing, seal and gaskets for Farmall C, 200, 230, 240, Super A, Super C; SUB: WPK234