369605R11U Bracket, Voltage Regulator

369605R11U Bracket, Voltage Regulator

121576C1 Voltage Regulator

121576C1 Voltage Regulator

121578C1 Voltage Regulator, Cub 6 Volt

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Fits & Compatibility
Category Tractor Model Engine
Farmall Letter Series Farmall Super A C123
Farmall Letter Series Farmall Super C C123
100 Thru 395 Farmall 100 C123
100 Thru 395 Farmall 130 C123
100 Thru 395 Farmall 140 C123
100 Thru 395 Farmall 200 C123
100 Thru 395 Farmall 230 C123
100 Thru 395 Farmall 240 C123
Cubs Farmall Cub C60
Cubs International Cub C60
Cubs International Cub Lo-Boy C60
Farmall Letter Series Farmall C C113
Farmall Letter Series Farmall H C152
Farmall Letter Series Farmall M C248
Farmall Letter Series Farmall Md D248
***NEW*** aftermarket, 6 volt, flat mount, 4 terminals, Regulator to replace Delco 1119575. Applications: C, Cub, Cub Lo-Boy, H, HV, M, MD, MDV, MV, Super A, Super AV, Super C, 100, 130, 140, 200, 230, 240; SUB: 121578C1GV, 1118780, 354234R91, 376121R91, 360898R91, 365775R91, VR1814