376638R11 Rod Bearing - 020

376638R11 Rod Bearing - 020

674369C1 Rod Bearing - 030

674369C1 Rod Bearing - 030

674367C1 Rod Bearing - 010

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Fits & Compatibility
Category Tractor Model Engine
Dozers Td20E Vt800
4100 Thru 6788 International 4100 Dt429
4100 Thru 6788 International 4156 Dt429
4100 Thru 6788 International 4568 Dvt800
4100 Thru 6788 International 4786 Dv800
Dozers Td20B Dt429
***NEW*** .010" oversize Rod Bearing one required per rod. 6 required per engine. 4100, 4156, 4568, 4786, TD20B, TD20E; SUB: 7674367